How to Be an Expert

Spoiler; Don’t

Qahir Chipepo
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo Credit: Brett Jordan

Whether it’s a hobby or something that comes naturally, that still counts as experience. How that experience applies to your industry and the path you want to pursue is what really matters.

If it’s something you’re passionate about but are uncertain if you could get results for others, then practice on yourself to become your own case study. You can also work within your circle of influence. This helps to build confidence and serves as proof that you know what you’re doing.

But I have a confession! What you know is not what will separate you from competitors because there will always be someone who knows more than you. It’s how you deliver your message that makes you or your brand unique.

Being an expert is overrated and more of a textbook approach to whatever your path is. Instead, pursue whatever it is as your way of life, as in something that comes naturally to you. You never want to hold back just because you don’t know something. You want to adopt the mindset to share what you do know as it relates to your industry because you’re always going to grow from what you don’t know.

You Already Have The Assets You Need

I’ve read this book about Bill Campbell called Trillion Dollar Coach and it details his process for coaching, what have become huge brands now, Google and Apple. For the record, his portfolio of how many brands/executives/ceo’s he has coached goes well beyond just Google and Apple. What’s most interesting about Bill’s success is that he started out as a football coach.

Image by Google

So what qualified him to even coach these big brands?

There’s always a way you can add value to something or someone, no matter what industry you’re in. It’s just taking a moment to note what your experience is and how that can relate to whatever it is you’re trying to do.

For anyone that either participates in or watches sports, you understand the importance of team concepts. If there’s an ego, lack of communication or people aren’t on the same page then it’s detrimental to the overall goal. Bill implemented concepts from coaching his football teams as he was able to realize these businesses are still ran by people and operate as teams.

He coached executive teams to communicate and act as communities, which meant everyone in their position was on the same page for the overall goal of the brand. I don’t want to spoil the story in case someone intends to read it but he basically applied what came naturally. Instead of concerning himself with the lack of experience in certain areas, he leaned into his readily available assets.

Bill became a trillion dollar coach because it was his way of life. He was not an expert.

Bill had a non-traditional approach to business and companies have never experienced his perspective before, which is why he serves as such a huge contribution to their overall growth.

What happens now?

We should change our perspective to being students of the game. This relieves a lot of pressure off you.

As a student, you’re aware that the objective is to learn and that’s ultimately what we’re doing anyway. The minute you stop learning and label yourself “an expert” is when you become content and blind to your need for growth. This is what separates the legendary from the “I’m interested in the craft” type of people.

This is what separates Beyonce from your favorite artist or Lebron from players who are just happy to get a check. Their colleagues would be considered experts since they’re performing on a professional level but the passion for growth is what separates the competition.

You’re never going to know everything but are guaranteed to always learn something new. Take notes, adjust, and apply those lessons moving forward.

It’s important to recognize how far you’ve come but never strive to be an expert. Pursue whatever it is as your way of life. And each of us are students in that sense.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Enjoy the journey
  • How you deliver your message is what makes you unique
  • Change your approach to your way of life.
  • And lastly, confidence.

