Fake Cultures Don’t Attract Real People

In order to make an impact in the world, it has to start within…

Qahir Chipepo
3 min readAug 9, 2020

The concept is to make it as effortless as possible to establish brand recognition which influences consistency. Set your own unwavering guide for any business aspirations. In a sense, establishing a strong culture outweighs any rules and procedures set in place, exposing the authenticity of the brand.

Ok, But How Does This Apply To Brand Strategy?

I thought you’d never ask. By making sure the priorities of the brand and those consumers receiving that message are aligned. You probably already know that you can’t please everyone but if you aren’t aware of that by now then you’re most likely stressed the f*@k out. Properly creating, executing, and maintaining a brand strategy gifts you the opportunity to build deep connections globally with an audience rather than meaningless and broad. How each one of us communicate, receives those messages, and digests that information is unique. Culture sets the foundation to speak the language of your ideal audience. Note the 6 Brand Culture Affects below as this is the most crucial starting point for creating a brand. And that’s probably an understatement!

  1. Culture Influences Beliefs When people mention your brand, what do you want them to feel? As you may have heard, branding is about perception. Culture translates that perception into the consumer’s reality. That reality creates assumptions about how their world should operate.
  2. Culture Creates Tension, pushing the ideology into the future. What influence do you have over people’s lives? Will these stories be relevant now and later on? Tension creates controversy, forcing consumers to either support you or bypass your offer completely. If some people don’t hate it, others won’t love it!
  3. Culture Creates A Sense Of Belonging You want to be personable to your audience in order for your message to resonate with their soul. Seriously though! You can’t connect with people by putting your brand first. People are senior to whatever it is you have to offer. Make them feel welcomed, accepted, and validated in your approach.
  4. Culture Allows Brands To Be Remembered This enables consumers to make quicker buying decisions. Once they know, like, and trust the value of the brand, it becomes apart of their lives. It’s no secret that consumers are presented with more than enough options today. Options are available when grocery shopping, streaming TV applications, or even choosing the right name for your French Bulldog. Brands ultimately are set in place to make the lives of consumers easier. The goal isn’t to compete with others in the marketplace AND the day-to-day options of consumers, but to stand out.
  5. Culture Establishes A Sense Of Direction It helps you recognize what the brand stands for and is the starting point for the consumers you attract. You are what you eat, right? And the same applies with brand. Consider which consumers best reflect the brand’s culture.
  6. Culture Is An Asset Your story is your unique identifier — your experience to offer the world. It can’t be replicated. Understand what makes you different in the marketplace. Highlight the fulfillment from interacting with your brand. Establish a sense of urgency. And continue to add value after you’ve gotten what you wanted.

NOTE: Although your culture is the focus, of course other groups can benefit. In other words, the target is ideal but the market is everybody. This strategy simply prevents your message from being diluted. However, NEVER risk culture of the brand for short-term gains.

